Important Message: We are here for you.

To learn about how we are supporting our employers and savers during this difficult time, please read our COVID-19 Message. We are here for you throughout this difficult time.

COVID-19 Message: We are here to support you.

Whether you are a saver in our program or an employer facilitating Illinois Secure Choice for your employees, please know that our staff and our service providers are here for you during this challenging time. Be assured that we continue to operate all critical functions without disruption and our customer service representatives are ready to help by phone and email.

For Savers

We continue to ensure the safe custody and investment of your contributions and timely processing of account requests. We are closely monitoring the financial markets and the performance of the Illinois Secure Choice portfolios. Please know that our program and portfolios were developed with the understanding that markets can be volatile from time to time. More information on investment options and fund performance can be found here.

We hope that none of our savers experience financial hardship during this time, but please remember that the money in your account is always yours and should you need to access it, our client services team is here to help you explore your options.

While our program operations continue without interruption, disruptions caused by COVID-19 may negatively affect paper mail delivery. To help ensure timely transactions and communications regarding your account, we encourage you to transact via our secure website and elect e-delivery of all documents.

We have strong, tested continuity plans in place to ensure all critical operations, administrative functions, and information systems continue to operate. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Illinois Secure Choice program, please contact us at (855) 650-6914.

For Employers

We know that many of you are facing unprecedented challenges right now. Illinois Secure Choice is committed to supporting our employers through these uncertain times by offering extra support and flexibility.

Businesses with at least 25 employees, that do not offer a qualified retirement plan, and are currently issuing payroll should be facilitating Illinois Secure Choice. However, we want you to know that our expectation during this challenging time is for your business to facilitate the program as soon as you are reasonably able to do so. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Illinois Secure Choice program, please contact us at (855) 650-6913.

As we move forward into recovery, Illinois Secure Choice continues to offer a convenient way for your employees to save for retirement and plan for a secure financial future.

To the entire Illinois Secure Choice community:

We are here to support you during this very challenging time. Please know that your well-being is on our minds as we continue to work hard every day to provide uninterrupted service and support for your retirement savings plan. Thank you for being a part of Illinois Secure Choice.

Your Illinois Secure Choice Team